Martin Murphy

Academy name NA
Academy trust name Arden Multi-Academy Trust

My extensive leadership experience and skills match this position. I actively support and encourage school improvement and transformational change across the region. We must sustain and improve pupil progress and achievement with outstanding teaching and learning. I bring practical experience to all aspects of the role - experience from Early Years, Secondary, post 16 and alternative provision. I lead a successful and growing multi-academy trust where we develop new dynamic relationships based on shared values and ethos. I generate self-belief, self-worth, esteem and confidence in young people and staff. Arden is an outstanding high performing Academy in Solihull. Park Hall Academy in North Solihull facing significant challenges has been transformed and is now out of special measures and is now a very good school. I am a Trustee at the new Solihull Academy APU (Free School) and very experienced in all aspects of governance. I create new lasting partnerships particularly with the business community via the Solihull and Birmingham Chamber of Commerce creating new opportunities for young people. I have major estate strategy experience and lead the ambitious New Arden Academy project which will see a new £55m academy being built via an ambitious ‘learning, living and leisure' place project.