David Harris
Academy name | not applicable |
Academy trust name | Engage Enrich Excel Academies |
As a passionate educationalist I believe in positive collaboration. I am standing for election to be able to make a wider contribution to our region. I want to help strengthen partnerships and offer a primary perspective to the RSC.
I have been a school leader for over 20 years in four different settings, two of these as Headteacher. I understand how system wide leadership enables schools to embed change and improve local communities. I am an NLE and have been fortunate to work with a number of schools within our region.
Our school improvement work is the cornerstone of our Trust. We are a primary MAT and have developed systems that improve outcomes for both pupils and staff. We have schools in Surrey and Hampshire. Developing the right culture for sustained improvement is key and this is a core principle within our work.
Over the past 18 months we can appreciate the importance of connection and I have chaired a number of networks of headteachers and CEOs to ensure we support and help each other. I believe in excellence and the importance of relationships. If successful I will work hard to represent our region in the RSC discussions.