Andy Squires
Academy name | not applicable. |
Academy trust name | The Denbigh Alliance Multi Academy Trust |
I am confident that I would bring valuable local knowledge and expertise to be able to effectively advise the board.
I am CEO of the Denbigh Alliance MAT with two large secondary schools and a new primary opening September 2023, won through a local competition with Milton Keynes Council and secured amidst stiff local and national competition.
Prior to being CEO, I was a Headteacher for 5 years, following 16 years as Senior Deputy Headteacher so I have a deep understanding of analysing complex school performance data, scrutiny of governance and financial rigour. As an NLE for the last ten years, I bring considerable experience of challenging school improvement plans.
I previously chaired the Milton Keynes Secondary Headteachers group and am academy representative on the local Schools Forum which has allowed me to significantly deepen my understanding of school finances from a local authority perspective.
I genuinely have a passion and vision for education, a disciplined approach to work and have developed strong working relationships with colleagues, being affable and a effective communicator.
I have a good sense of humour, lead by example and importantly have the full support of my Chair of Trustees in applying for this role.