Christina Jones
Academy name | Not applicable. |
Academy trust name | River Tees Multi-Academy Trust |
Hello, I am CEO of a small but growing specialist Trust based in the North East. I am standing for election because I feel it is an important time for both smaller MATs and those providing for the most vulnerable learners have a voice at Regional level. My four academies focus on Alternative Provision, supporting learners who have been excluded from school to have a more positive future. We also provide for those who cannot attend school for medical reasons and have a special free school opening in 2022. My context focuses on the most disadvantaged.
Because my academies provide for all pupils in Local Authority areas, I have developed expertise in bringing together views from a wide range of stakeholders. This includes work with other academies across the full age range, specialist settings, maintained schools and Local Authorities. I feel this experience will be invaluable as more schools consider joining strong families of schools.
I am a member of a range of local, regional and national networks related to learners with SEND and the delivery of Alternative Provision. I feel this helps me understand the challenges and opportunities presented both within specialist settings and the wider academy landscape.