Mark Wilson
Academy name | not applicable |
Academy trust name | Wellspring Academy Trust |
I have been a CEO since 2014 during which time the Trust community has grown from one to twenty-eight Academies. I have spent time as leader of some of our Academies. Thus, I have authentic knowledge and experience of leading a small, medium sized and larger Trust. I have insider knowledge of the challenges presented by growth. Our development journey has included the building of eight new schools so far, with a further three in pipeline that will take our community to beyond thirty. I would bring the benefit of learning and insight from this process to the Advisory Board. The Trust supports Academies in all sectors: Primary, Secondary, Special and Alternative Provision across seven Local Authority areas and is a healthy mix of converter, sponsored and new build Academies. From an experience and knowledge of the sector viewpoint, I believe that I can make a valuable contribution to the Advisory Board. I hope that our track record of successfully and sustainably improving schools, supporting young people and their families, working constructively with partners and financial good health provides assurance of my suitability to serve on the Board. Thank you.