Academy name Not applicable.
Academy trust name Eastern Learning Alliance

Thank you for reading my reasons for wishing to serve on the Headteacher Board.

Having awaited the outcome of key decisions for my trust - which have been guided by members of the HTB - has made me appreciate what a weighty responsibility it is: to listen to representations into which colleagues have poured their heart and soul. I would keep this at the forefront of my mind if I were to be successful.

As CEO of the Eastern Learning Alliance I can provide the perspective of a small trust and one encompassing a broad range of provision: four secondary schools; one primary; an autism special school and Maths specialist sixth form. We range from an outstanding provider to a re-brokered special measures secondary. I feel it is important that the board represents this diversity of educational experience and is able to contextualise with on the ground realities.

Personally, I am driven by wanting to achieve social mobility for disadvantaged students. I have enjoyed supporting schools as a National Leader of Education and chairing the DfE Secondary Headteacher Reference Group. Being able to support colleagues is extremely rewarding and I would seek to be a supportive and empathetic board representative.