
Here are just a few reasons why you should put yourself forward for a position on one our committees:

“Please do consider putting yourself forward for election. There are a range of vacancies this election round and we really want to have representation, as far as possible, from all 4 nations, from the length and breadth of the UK, from the whole MDT and covering the whole life course. Working on BSR committees has presented me with opportunities that would not have otherwise come my way and I've found the work to be hugely fulfilling.’’

Jo Ledingham, BSR president

““The NHS GIRFT Report for Rheumatology and the BSR workforce reports have shown the benefit of a broad MDT in the Rheumatology workforce. Why not aid the national drive for better nursing, AHP and pharmacy input in rheumatology by having your voice heard at national level via a BSR committee role? It’ll enhance what the BSR does, but also help you in what you do.”

Will Gregory, Vice President (Health professionals)

“Being on the MDT Advisory Council makes me feel valued. My input matters and I feel I’m helping drive forward patent care”.

Rebecca Heaton, MDT Advisory Council, Pharmacist representative, North West

“I’ve found the committee very friendly. I’ve been involved in committee work in previous years. Knowing how committees work, it is a really enjoyable experience.”

Di Finney, Nurse on the Education Committee

Submit your nomination